Latest news and activity

May 2014


In June CRoWW will have a pleasure to host two speakers from New Zealand presenting their research.

17th June, 10am, MBG.14
Dr Huong Nyugen School of Management, Victoria University of Wellington
Title: Privileged yet marginalised: The career experiences of Asian skilled immigrant academics in New Zealand

Huong Nguyen will be presenting key findings from her PhD dissertation. She will discuss career issues relevant to a modern global workforce, by describing the 'career experience in context' framework she constructed. Huong will highlight the dichotomies in immigrants' careers through (i) the role different contexts play in constructing their experience, (ii) the relationships and networks they enter or are excluded from, and (iii) immigrants' personal reflections on their careers.

Huong Nguyen is an Ethnic Affairs Advisor at the Office of Ethnic Affairs, Department of Internal Affairs, New Zealand. In this role she provides specialist advice on ethnic, linguistic and religious diversity issues to the New Zealand government, NGOs and community organisations. She is also Co-Director of Woodbridge Research, a company specialised in health research and policies. She has recently completed her PhD in Human Resource Management at Victoria University of Wellington. Prior to this, she lectured and worked in universities in New Zealand and Vietnam. She has also worked extensively with international students and migrant youth, designing systems to facilitate their transition into New Zealand workplaces and social environments. In her community roles, she mentors job-seekers and helps government officials from South East Asia to learn conversational English.


30th June, 12:15pm, room tbc (Feel free to bring your lunch)
Dr Deborah Jones (Associate Professor): School of Management, Victoria University of Wellington
Title: Unmanageable Inequalities: Sexism In The Film Industry Synopsis

The freedoms that creative work seems to offer are undercut by sexism. This seminar addresses the question of how gender inequalities are produced in the film industry. The scholarship of gender and work has tended to assume the possibility of organizational or industry-based interventions to 'manage' inequalities, whether from the bottom-up or the top down. But these bureaucracy-based interventions don't seem to apply in the terrain of the film industry, where projects are ephemeral and the creative subject is framed as entrepreneurial and individualised, a free agent, not an employee. Here inequalities seem unmanageable.

The seminar will focus on focus on sexism operates in a specific gender regime– the working lives of below-the-line film workers in New Zealand. This approach differs from most of the film industry research on gender, which focuses on the higher status above-the-line workers. We connect the film industry to gendered processes in other forms of work, and argue that they are typical of a wide range of male-dominated industries, demonstrating traditional as well as 'new' forms of sexism.
Deborah Jones is a feminist scholar who has been studying working lives in the film industry for a number of years. She is an Associate Professor in the School of Management, Victoria Business School in Wellington, New Zealand. She teaches in the field of Organisational Behaviour, and on business ethics. As well as gender, her research also includes studies of sexual and gender orientation in the workplace, ethnicity, and business ethics.

January 2014


We are pleased to announce that CRoWW will be hosting a research seminar from Professor Christopher Forde from Leeds University on Feb 5th at 11.15am.

Prof Ford will be presenting his paper "The impact of the Agency Work regulations" in the Esmée Fairbairn Building Lecture Theatre at Heriot-Watt. Prof Forde will be speaking about a recent joint project with Gary Slater on the Agency Work regulations and how employers and agencies have responded to these, and also about how certain groups of workers are falling between the cracks, partly due to the 'workaround' strategies that many agencies have devised.

Professor Christopher J Forde currently holds the Chair of Employment Studies at Leeds University Business School and is the Head of the Work and Employment Relations Division. His research interests include: the changing nature of employment and the consequences of these changes for workers, restructuring and job loss, and job quality; Professor Forde has published extensively in these areas. Most recently he was the Editor of Work, Employment and Society; and is currently a referee for several other journals and academic publishers; a Member of European Union Experts Group on Restructuring; and an external examiner for several academic institutions.


Research notice: participants needed for study on home-based business.

December 2013


Welcome to the first edition of the newsletter for the Centre for Research on Work and WellBeing.


British Academy of Management Workshop

Dr. James Richards presented at the "sharing our struggles" workshop on researcing work and organization on-line.

November 2013

CRoWW research seminar:
'The changing academic labour process', Speaker Dr Vaughan Ellis, Edinburgh Napier University

June 2013

Equality and Diversity in the Business Management Curriculum (funded by the Higher Education Academy) convened by Kate Sang, Laura Galloway and Nicolina Kamenou- Aigbekaen. 

May 2013

Presentations and knowledge exchange in Australia and New Zealand

Dr. Kate Sang presented a paper on Neurodiversity in the transport and travel industry at the Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Australia. This event brought together policy makers with particular interest in disability in the workplace to discuss the finding of a recent TSSA funded research project.

She also presented papers on feminism in academia at the University of Wellington (New Zealand) exploring the experiences of feminist academics within academia and opportunities for cross-national research and development opportunities; and at Auckland University of Technology which explored the potential for feminism to reimagine the academic workplace for both men and women.